When visiting continental Europe we find that Germans prefer the verb Wichteln, whilst Belgium and Holland speak of lootjes trekken or namen trekken.In Ireland however, the ritual is called Kris Kindle or Kris Kringel, derived from ' Christkindl' - the original name of the Austrian gift bringer.
Secret Santa is commonly used all over the United States and the United Kingdom.
So let us take you on a quick trip around the world! No worries, you’ll be home in time for your Secret Santa party. Secret Santa, Kris Kringle, Kris Kindle, Kris Kringel, White Elephant, Yankee Swap, Yankee Doodle, Wichteln, or even lootjes trekken, namen trekken or Monito Monita: all over the world people use different names for the same thing.